ASI Group

R&D Solutions for Underwater Assets

ASI success can be accredited to continuous innovation and delivering effective solutions to industry.

At ASI we are proud to be a global leader in developing systems used to conduct long excursions for the inspection of flooded pipes and tunnels. The information gathered assists owners and operators to confirm or generate as-built configurations, identify anomalies and obstructions, and assess the structural condition of their assets. Through these inspections, we often uncover conditions that require intervention to restore the asset to its optimal operational state. For instance, the accumulation of sediment or debris not only reduces system capacity but can also lead to blockages and structural failures due to increased head pressure. Such sudden system failures can result in emergencies with significant financial and social consequences.

While planned maintenance activities are more cost-effective, the traditional approach of taking a major tunnel or pipeline out of service and dewatering it for repairs remains disruptive, expensive, and sometimes infeasible for extended periods. Both ASI and our clients have envisioned remote-controlled systems that can carry out necessary repairs without the need for dewatering the asset.

To explore the feasibility of such a system, ASI is conducting market research to identify the current and future requirements for the maintenance of civil underwater assets. Besides flooded tunnels, we believe our technology could find applications in dredging pump bays, canals, aqueducts, and even harbors. By containing the dredge material and directing it to treatment units through discharge hoses, we can make dredging open water areas more appealing compared to traditional methods. While dredging confined areas seems to be a primary application, we are also open to other forms of intervention based on client feedback, such as excavation and demolition, as we design the system.

We value your input and invite you to participate in our short survey. Your feedback will greatly contribute to shaping the future of remote maintenance solutions.

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