ASI Group

Western Canada

35 Years of Trusted Underwater Services

Underwater infrastructure requires extended inspection, detailed repair work and ongoing maintenance activities to prolong the operational life and efficiency. ASI Western Canada provides a multidisciplinary team specializing in underwater construction, inspection, repair, maintenance, hyperbaric intervention, hydrographic surveys, contaminated spill site remediation and confined space entry. Our marine crews are backed by a fleet of advanced robotic vehicles equipped with the latest in imaging, surveying and inspection technologies to support Western Canada’s ongoing service needs.   

Western Canada Services

Commercial diving

ASI is committed to providing our clients with a multitude of in-house services with professionally trained and experienced divers and crews, in the safest way possible. Personnel are commercially certified in accordance with the accredited Diver Certification Board of Canada (DCBC), and in accordance with all relevant provincial and federal regulations and requirements.

Our Western Canada commercial diving services include, but are not limited to:

  • Infrastructure inspection
  • Industrial maintenance and repair
  • Deep (Air diving) Surface Decompression
  • Lloyd’s certified structural welding (including in-house procedure testing and training)
  • Marine construction
  • Bulkhead and cofferdam installation
  • Invasive mussel control system inspection, installation and maintenance
  • Potable water reservoir inspection and maintenance
  • Power plant inspection and maintenance (hydro and nuclear)

Comprehensive above and below water bridge and dam inspections

The importance of underwater dam inspections cannot be emphasized enough when it comes to identifying conditions that may adversely affect dam safety. ASI Western Canada performs underwater inspection, repair and maintenance services using customizable remotely operated vehicle ROVs, unmanned survey vessels (USVs), and other dedicated survey vessels suited for operations on inland waters such as rivers, lakes, canals, and reservoirs.

Environmental surveys and fish monitoring programs (biomonitoring)

ASI investigates and assesses the presence, density and activity of fish and other underwater organisms utilizing Western Canada’s ROVs equipped with 2D and 3D multi-beam sonar, high resolution cameras, and side-scan sonars.

Hydrographic surveys

Our in-house certified hydrographers, project managers and technicians use a combination of underwater technology to accurately measure and map findings in real-time. At ASI Western Canada, we don’t advocate for specific technologies; we match the best possible options available and recommend a solution tailored to our clients’ needs.

Hyperbaric support

ASI has successfully completed over 500 hyperbaric interventions. Trained to perform construction, repair and inspection work in physically high pressure environments, the hyperbaric tunnelling support team can alleviate your immediate needs to get your tunnel boring machine (TBM) up and running after a breakdown, avoiding further project delays.

Integrated two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) sonar imaging applications for facilities in operation

2D and 3D multi-beam imaging sonar provide valuable feature detection capabilities for the inspection of variances in surface texture and other anomalies. Western Canada’s 2D systems are critical for ROV navigation as well as collecting imagery for areas of interest. The 3D technology is unique in its resolution and accuracy, allowing ASI to provide clients with detailed models and flythroughs of their asset(s).

Long tunnel and pipeline inspections using ROVs

Remote inspections provide a safer and cost-effective alternative to dewatering tunnels and pipelines. ASI Western Canada’s comprehensive fleet of ROVs supports the inspection of tunnels and pipelines in a flooded state, saving time, money and avoiding the risks associated with dewatering these structures.

Mussel management programs

ASI is the only company to provide an integrated approach to mussel management that involves measuring infestation levels of critical water systems in tandem with a preferred control methodology. Western Canada clients that employ this strategy reduce both costs and environmental liability by only initiating treatment programs when infestation levels threaten the facility’s production.

Port and pier inspection, maintenance and repair

ASI Western Canada specializes in the inspection, maintenance and repair of ports and piers, utilizing a combination of commercial diving and remote technology methodologies. Our team has extensive knowledge and experience working on various underwater structures. Our commercial divers and technicians can perform and support the most complex projects.

Radiated diving in nuclear power plants

ASI is the first company in Canada to develop techniques to safely dive in underwater radiological environments. The only alternative to hiring commercial divers to perform underwater work in a flooded radiological environment is dewatering. However, dewatering can be time consuming and very high risk because of the hazardous environment and the potential risk of exposure to acute levels of radiation. Using divers is a safe and effective solution that can provide both operational and economical benefits.

Remote excavation and cleaning for underwater infrastructure

Regular inspection of water conveyance structures helps determine the condition for their intended use and remaining lifespan. Cleaning the asset in order to inspect it not only restores the original cross-section for design capacity water flow, but it also allows the owners to see the condition of the substrate to verify if it is in good condition and can continue to function without intervention. Where anomalies are found, budgets can be prepared in advance of a failure so that pro-active measures can be taken to prevent an expensive unplanned outage.

Remote intervention (ROV construction support)

As a safe solution to underwater repairs, ASI utilizes ROVs to conduct light underwater repair work. Some specialized underwater tasks can be completed by use of ROVs, including recovering trash racks, underwater cutting (i.e. removing trash racks), and intake screen cleaning, throughout facilities in Western Canada.

Ship husbandry

ASI Western Canada’s ship husbandry team can be contacted any time of day to respond to your underwater maintenance needs. Our in-depth knowledge of the shipping industry allows us the experience to efficiently carry out tasks and provide a cost-effective solution. Having multiple crews available, means that you can rely on us to be there when you need us.

Underwater welding and cutting

ASI Western Canada is uniquely qualified to provide underwater welding services, responding to a wide range of client and project requirements for marine construction. ASI’s divers are Lloyds Register certified structural welders, using the latest technology in underwater welding electrodes to meet project needs.

Industries Served In Western Canada

Hydropower, Public Utilities, Ports & Piers, Nuclear Power, Renewable Energy, Manufacturing, Mining, Construction, Oil & Gas

Sample images of industries served

Our Clients Include

  • Prince Rupert Port Authority
  • Metro Western Canada
  • BC Hydro
  • Seaspan
  • Defence Construction Canada
  • SaskPower
  • Yukon Energy
  • Alberta Environment & Parks
  • BOSA Development
  • Syncrude
  • Advisian
  • Hemerra
  • Envirowest Consultants Inc.
  • Aecon
  • Traylor Brothers
  • Golder Associates
  • Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd.
  • SNC-Lavalin
  • Water Security Agency
  • Ruskin
  • JJM
  • Stantec
  • Kiewit Corporation

Innovative Applications for Remote Technology


Specialists at Hydro-Québec’s research institution have been pooling their expertise in mechanics, IT and electronics to develop solutions for more than 20 years. In early 2021, HQ released their latest technology, WireScanTM, and awarded the contract for commercialization of the system to ASI.

WireScanTM is a unique technology, developed specifically for hydroelectric facility structures, such as gate slots and stop logs. The system collects data both above and below the water line, outputs immediate 3D point cloud data for review, and uses plumb guide wires to measure verticality. WireScanTM produced engineering-level 3D scans, providing dam owners with detailed data that is critical for condition assessment and asset management.

“ASI is committed to being a world leader in underwater technologies, and we are excited to offer our clients this new technology.”

– Martin Beaudry, President, ASI Services Techniques

Hydraulic Saw

ASI’s hydraulic saw system was designed and built by Cellula Robotics in collaboration with ASI. This newly developed apparatus has already been successfully used for several projects in Canada and the United States. This remote intervention system benefits clients requiring a solution to remove trash racks for rehabilitation or decommissioning. ASI’s saw solution is operated entirely remotely, controlled from the surface. The ability to cut trash racks allows clients to gain access to inspect and survey underwater assets, such as low-level outlets, intakes, and penstocks, where the presence of trash racks has made such investigation impossible without costly manned techniques.

tunnel inspection using 360 camera

360 Camera

ASI’s 360° video camera collects virtual walk-through information in dry, confined space environments. The camera was used on a project to collect visual data of internal conduit walls for a municipality looking to conduct a condition assessment of their wastewater treatment facility, as well as the above water portion of a surge shaft for a hydroelectric facility.


Pascal, General Manager

Pascal Larochelle, Vice President, Western Canada

Office: 604.474.5098

ASI’s Western Canada operations maintain a Certificate of Recognition, COR™, for health and safety
and is accredited to ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Standard.