ASI Group

Mussel Decontamination Inspection

ASI provided zebra/quagga mussel decontamination inspection services for dredge equipment used to prevent the spread of these aquatic invaders across the international border. The introduction of zebra and quagga mussels to North America in the 1980’s has had a significant impact on water users. These invasive mussels easily colonize and restrict water flow, leading to the need for costly and time-consuming efforts to reduce or eliminate infestations. As a result, it is crucial that all equipment used in infested waterways is adequately decontaminated to prevent the spread of mussels to uninfected areas. 

Scientific studies have demonstrated that hot water pressure washing and drying are effective methods for decontaminating watercraft from these mussels. Recommended temperatures for hot water pressure washing are 140 ⁰F for direct contact and 120 ⁰F for flushing, remove and kill mussels and mussel larvae. 

Following the hot water pressure washing of the non-propelled cutter suction hydraulic dredge, ASI’s Aquatic Biologist performed a thorough inspection and recommended repeat treatment to areas of concern prior to certifying that all visible mussels were removed from the surfaces of the dredge components and that there was no standing water within any internal components of the dredge. Based on a final inspection ASI certified that the dredge represented minimal risk to the receiving water body in the Southern USA and that the transport of the equipment overland complied with all federal and state laws which prohibit the possession, overland/interstate transport and introduction of invasive species when crossing international and state borders

Overall, the decontamination inspection services provided by ASI ensured the proper removal of zebra and quagga mussels from the dredge with the use of the most current and effective decontamination techniques. The decontamination report provided to the client ensured that the dredge and associated equipment were able to quickly cross international and state borders without breaking any federal or state laws and without being held for inspection and forced impounding for additional drying time.