How an effective maintenance and repair plan depends on accurate and thorough data
‘Aging infrastructure’ is a phrase we’re hearing a lot these days. Rapid and increased growth of our cities, climate change and environmental threats such as 100-year weather events (having a 1% probability of occurring) are all putting pressure on our infrastructure. Thorough and accurate condition assessments play a key role in monitoring and maintaining the structural integrity of underwater assets such as dams, tunnels and pipelines, intakes and outfalls, piers and more. The type and quality of information gathered is paramount. Data collection must be carried out by specially trained engineers and technicians that can identify not only the information to be gathered, but also determine and establish the correct methods of data collection. After all, the purpose of inspections is to ensure there are no breaks, anomalies, or potential for operational issues, before disaster strikes.

Investing in our future
In Canada, aging infrastructure is a key area of concern for most municipalities and governments are continuing to invest in building and repairing aging assets. The Investing in Canada Plan dedicated more than $180 billion (CDN) for infrastructure. In the US, The 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure (The American Society of Civil Engineers) gave a ‘C-‘ for infrastructure and a score of ‘D’ for Dams, highlighting that the potential for a high-risk failure has doubled in the past two decades. The US government recently signed a bill pledging an investment of $1 trillion (USD) for rebuilding that country’s infrastructure.
ASI has been supporting government agencies around the world by collecting crucial condition assessment data for water conveyance systems and underwater assets for over 30 years. We understand any disruption to public services is problematic and potentially harmful and costly. Our underwater robotic facilities, fabrication shops and in-house personnel enable our team to provide rapid response and consistent quality for remote inspections. Final reports summarize the processed data and provide essential information. Areas of interest are highlighted, inspection logs and other comprehensive data including the technologies and methods used are outlined and are essential for further asset management planning.
Click here to learn more about our services, or contact us today to schedule a consultation with our experts.
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