ASI Group

Class EA project approved for the Dysart Septage Treatment Facility

Class EA project - ASI Group

In June 2017, the Municipality of Dysart et al kick-started a Class Environmental Assessment (EA) project for the proposed Septage Management Strategy. This project is a follow-up to the municipality’s master septage plan to address the management of the septic tank waste. The project is being undertaken in anticipation of regulatory changes regarding the management of septage and hauled wastewater in Ontario. The project will provide the municipality with the necessary background studies, and detailed engineering to produce a “shovel ready” design when funding becomes available.

Class EA’s are required for municipal infrastructure projects to: assess the alternatives and their impact on the natural, social, and economic environments; provide traceable decision-making; and provide opportunities for public and agency feedback. ASI Water (ASI) has been retained by the municipality to perform the Class EA that began with a presentation to the municipality’s Environmental Committee and scheduling of the public information session.

The environmental assessment will help identify the optimal location for the recommended septage treatment facility by evaluating the potential environmental impact, and consider public and agency input. The data/findings collected will be presented by ASI and the municipality in a public information session. ASI will also prepare an environmental study report outlining the problem, criteria used to identify the preferred solution and design, the consultation process, the impact of mitigative issues, and the monitoring program.

There are multiple benefits of Environmental Assessments to local communities, such as:

• Healthier local environment (water sources, recreational potential, clean living etc.)
• Improve human health
• Maintenance of biodiversity
• Increased community skills and knowledge

This project has been five years in the making, and with the financial assistance from the Federal Government’s Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF), the Municipality of Dysart et al can begin pursuing their strategy to improve septic management. The Class EA project is expected to be completed in March 2018.

For questions regarding Environmental Assessments, contact John Levie at