ASI Group


With ASI as your partner, treatment of water systems is effective, repeatable, economic, and above all … safe.

For over 30 years we have been the trusted partner for pioneering effective mussel control strategies

ASI has the expertise to help you deal with the most challenging problems relating to biological fouling of critical water flows with minimal environmental impact. We provide flexible solutions from consultation to executing full control programs from start to finish. Our state-of-the-art biofouling control strategies are tailored to each facility based on site specific conditions. 

Encrustations damage can reduce operational efficiency with clogged intake pipes. Large populations can spread quickly presenting technical challenges and requiring both inspection and control strategies.

Our team of experienced technicians and specialists employ cost-effective treatment services, utilizing both chemical and non-chemical alternatives for various industries and water treatment facilities throughout the infested water ways. Our methods are effective and environmentally friendly.

Hamilton Carronade - ASI Group
Treatment of water systems - ASI Group

Our methods have been developed to be very effective and environmentally friendly.

Control strategies range from:

Contact us to learn more about our services

+1 905-643-3283
For immediate assistance, please contact our Head Office at the number above.